Sunday, March 7, 2010


We got a dog! We got him from our friends the Rectors, and technically, I guess he is still their dog, but he lives with us. We are so happy to have him, as he is a real joy to us. He is a Cock-a-poo, and so soft. I think he is now used to us and our unusual, loud ways. He has really taken a liking to Lauren, but is learning to like the rest of us, except Jason. They are not best friends yet.

A Quick Update

I know we have not updated the blog for a long time. I guess I just don't think about doing it. We have had a lot going on though, Soccer, water polo, swimming, musical performances, honor roll assemblies, awards, birthdays, etc. etc. etc.

By family member, here goes. Lauren finished the water polo season with a 50% shooting average. She had 10 goals this year, and has set her mind to make it way more next year. Her soccer team finished well this year, but the last games were on the same day as a water polo tournament, so she was not there. Now she is on to swim season. At the first meet she competed for the JV team and took 3 first places and one second place. She enjoys backstroke, but his good at almost all the strokes. I think we will be seeing her in a lot of IM events.

Jason just had his 11th birthday! The above picture is him with his Lego cake. He got cash so that he could buy his own laptop. He has been saving up for this for a long time now. He now spends his weekends in his pajamas playing computer games. His soccer team was not quite as successful as we hoped and they did not qualify for regionals, but he had a great year with a fabulous coach that really taught him a lot. He has decided he is not playing baseball this year and wants to take golf lessons. He got golf clubs for Christmas and enjoys going to the driving range with John and I. He still plays the piano and even lets me request a song from time to time. Jason has been a proud member of the honor roll since going to middle school. He is doing very well. He was named Math Student of the Month recently.

John is life guarding on the weekends when it is not raining. The high school water polo is over, but he really enjoyed his first year of being a referee. I enjoyed watching him ref. We are still trying to figure out a way to get him to coach, but that darn work schedule! John had a car oriented birthday and Christmas. We got his windows tinted and a new stereo put in. He thinks it was for him, but Lauren thinks it is for her, as the car will be hers in about 2 more years.

I am plugging along. I just received the Honorary Service Award from my school. John got it last year, so I guess we are keeping the award in the family. I am trying to keep my mind off of the miserable state of education if California, so I have taken up cooking. I am trying a couple new recipes a week, and digging out old favorites that we have not had in a while. Keep in mind that I do this in between games, meets, tournaments, and practices. Really I am very lucky since John does most of the practice pick ups. I can't wait until Lauren can drive herself to the pool every day, especially those early morning practice days.